Tuesday, August 25, 2009

as the cars sped by

roma- finding the elusive evan, roman ruins, nuts and hot air balloons, produce, no bike

southern italy- parks, stray cats, heat

two ferries for the price of bankruptcy

Sicilia- brake dancers, buskers, hiphop performers, pizza

Malta- even hotter, fortress walls, buses, cliffs and rabbit hunters, fresh water friend, gozo and more ferries, azure window, old temples, distant cousin

Venice- canals and bridges, fellow travelers, masks, no maps, rain storm

Ljubljana, Slovenia- artist center, beer revelries

Wien- parks but no access to grass, music and club mate, Schiele and Klimt, turkish coffee house

Praha- metalwork and napping, clocks and bridges

Berlin- slack line friends, travelers crossing paths, berlin wall, shopping cart kids

Amsterdam- cooking!, more canals and bridges, fierce bikes, cafes or coffee shops

and now London with sleeping, skipping, swings and postrock

its the bare bones and im out of time.

much love!


  1. Eividence of your still being alive is very welcomed little one. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Holy cow. Stories? I want them.
