yesterday i had my first real conversation in spanish. during my grammer class the topic of women´s rights came up and i was able to articulate my opinions and explain the experances of women in the middle east. we DISCUSSED the topic for about half an hour. -sigh- it felt so good to move beyond surface topics.
also i had my first dream in spanish. it was very strange. i was in a void place with no distinguisable features talking with a void entity. -shrug-
Here are some photos from carnival in Cadiz and a sildeshow at the end. Carnival was crazy. more people than i have ever seen, which is saying alot. we were sholder to sholder for about 12 hours, whether we were in plazas or on streets. it felt like being at a concert except no one was dancing and every one was drinking heavily. before everything got crazy i got to see a little bit of Cadiz and the sun set on the atlantic from the other side, which was cool. it was fun to see all the costumes and interesting to see how the days before lent are utilized, but i would not do it again. by about 3 am the streets were wet, as if it had rained, with piss, vomit and spilled beverage. there was incredable amounts of trash and broken glass. i managed to miss the musical groups, except the one i have a photo of from 5 am. it was just too hard to move around and we were so unfamilar with the city and festival itnerary. ah well. this past weekend, so yesterday, Ronda had a small Carnival and i enjoyed it very much. it was definatly a festival for the locals.

eating sea urchin!

And i am peter pan again!
also i made a costume for my host mom´s grandson. it was nice to contribute to the family since currently i am probibited from cooking or cleaning.